Of the systems that have modern vehicles, perhaps one of the most important is the suspension, it has several functions that make it possible and comfortable driving them.

Get to know what a vehicle suspension system is all about and how it works.

What is the suspension of a vehicle?

It is a set of elements that are designed to absorb the irregularities of the road that the vehicle is traveling. In addition, they have the important function of keeping the wheels glued to the floor. It also   gives the driver control over the car handles and provides convenience and comfort to passengers traveling in it.

Its purpose is to dissipate the movements caused by irregularities of the ground so that they do not sit inside the passenger compartment. For example, in case you fail to dodge a gap or other irregularity in the track, the suspension helps you not to feel the impact in such a strong way.

A bit of history

The suspension system was born in the nineteenth century with the arrival of the carriages as a system to transport people over long distances. The suspension system then was stiff and uncomfortable, as it was made with different types of metals.

Since then, various designs have been developed suspension for vehicles, including hydraulic and pneumatic as fundamental principles in the development of these.

Parts of the suspension of a vehicle

The suspension of modern vehicles is composed of an element that absorbs the energy that is produced due to the deformations of the terrain, that is, that converts them into oscillations or vertical movement, and another that dissipates the energy in a controlled way, a piston that converts energy into heat through the compression of a fluid.

The first element belonging to the suspension system of a vehicle can be found on the market with the names of spiral, crossbows, axes or torsion bars. The second is that we all know as   cushion or hydraulic piston.

Types of shock absorbers for vehicles

Although the suspension system consists of several elements, the most important, and to which we will refer in this article, is the shock absorber. There are several classes:

Hydraulic: consist of a piston inserted into a cylinder in which no oil. Different holes allow passage from one side of the piston to the other. Its greatest advantage is the simplicity, the absence of maintenance and its capacity to exert greater cushioning the greater the pressure. The movement is dissipated thanks to the pressure exerted on the oil.

Hydraulic valves: instead of holes, the piston has a series of valves that allow the passage of oil under a certain pressure. They offer a slightly softer and more effective behavior. The valve opens and closes depends on the pressure to dissipate the movement.

Double tube: they are the most widespread today. They are divided into pressurized (using oil) and non-pressurized (using oil and gas). The oil flows through the cylinder through the piston and also into the second chamber through a valve located there between.

Mono tube: consists of two chambers, one with another oil and gas. Between them is a floating piston. The volume of the chamber is variable, depending on the compression exerted on the gas by the forces acting on the piston.

Maintenance for suspension system

To take care of the suspension system of the vehicles, you must follow a few simple steps. These are:

  • Handle with care by uneven ground land (roads, paved roads, streets uncovered, etc.).
  • Be careful of the load you are putting regularly on your vehicle, as being overweight can damage the suspension.
  • Periodically check the pressure of tire inflation.
  • Be aware if we feel noises in the direction of the car, knocks and sudden losses of control of the vehicle.

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