The when to change car is very difficult to determine and issue in many circumstances converge, since our economic situation, to the use we give the vehicle going through the situation of automotive sector , which can lead to whether or no support for the acquisition.

In any case, as a general rule, we should not wait for the car is to scrap to get rid of it.

When the price of a repair other expenses periodic maintenance and insurance that we generate the vehicle approaching at 80% the cost of a car new or second hand, we already clear that the life of our car is finished; because in a few months we’ll pay more to keep need not have bought one.

However, even before these circumstances of a car in poor conditions exist, the life of your car and can terminate. Thus, it is preferable that we can get some money from the sale of our vehicle old for that to be possible we have to leave it in a fairly acceptable state.

To provide tangible data, we note that from the eight-year life of a car, although we have not done many miles, and we start making calculations about whether we should buy a new car.

This figure of eight will be reduced if past warranty, our car suffered serious damage. In this case, after the repair, it is best to try to let go of it, as there are many possibilities in the future give us more problems and we will get cheaper to make a new investment in a product that will ultimately be more cheap.

In the life of our car also attend external factors such as support from the government may have to buy vehicles new and revive the sector.

So, if we find that over the years our car consuming fuel or force us to change tires too often, and we have the opportunity to buy a new one more profitable in this sense, we can leverage to change the vehicle.


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